Sunday, October 12, 2008

alimentari lover

I have an admirer. I don't know his name but he frequents visits to the fountain to talk to Autumn and I in broken conversations between english and italian. The other night as I was sitting at the fountain just before dinner he came out a few times to see how I was doing and just take a break from running his little grocery store that he has just a little bit up the street. We often see him in the morning spreading rose pedals outside his doorway which is just a funny little quirk about him that shows just what a sweet and sentimental guy he is. Anyway- he told me to come into the store before I left and he would give me something. Hesitantly I peeped my head in to say "buonasera". He kindly asked if I wanted something to eat but I told him no, so he gave me a pink rose instead and sent me out with a ciao bella! and a blow-kiss goodbye. I laughed all the way home and quickly put it in water on my desk. The whole experience was so italian.


lyn. said...

Your Italian friend has good taste...

karrie said...

who wouldn't find you beautiful? as long as he is over 70 i guess it is okay. haha!